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3 Reasons to Hire Professionals to Ship Your Art

Need to move? Worried about how you’re going to have your art shipped or transported to your new place? Based on an article from Wise Geek, here are a few reasons why you need to hire a professional company to handle this for you:

Get the Assistance You Need

What’s wrong with asking help from friends help you pack your art and antiques? That saves you money and time, right? Not necessarily. And unless you’re willing to let your priceless sofa or cabinet or table suffer and gain a few new scratches, dings and dents, then getting help from your friends is probably not a good idea. Especially if they don’t know the first thing about art and antiques care or International Art Shipping and Antique shipping. You might even end up spending money on art repairs or worse, lose one of your art or antiques to an accident or handling mistake. Don’t let something like that come between you and your friends. Protect your art, antiques—and your friendships—by getting the professional help you need, never mind the cost.

They’ll Have the Right Packaging Materials

Art needs to be packaged properly. That means having the proper packaging materials available. You probably don’t have that at hand or at least not all of them. Relying on a professional company with experience in International Art Shipping and Antique shipping ensures your art and antique furniture are all packed and ready to go, prepared and protected by the right packaging materials.

Prevent Basic Handling Mistakes

Maybe you believe bubble wrap is a universal packaging staple. But if that bubble wrap ever touches the surface of a stained wood where the temperature levels are warm and humid, that bubble wrap can do a great deal of damage to the finish of that particular art work. That’s something you wouldn’t want to happen to a priceless family heirloom or a well-loved piece of art that’s been passed down several generations in your family.

Professional art packers are trained and knowledgeable in the many ways to handle your art and antiques properly. They’d wear gloves, employ handy techniques and make sure the art won’t suffer damage in any way while they’re handling it.

Those are just 3 reasons on why trusting professionals is a good idea. Just make sure to check if the packing company has experience in International Art Shipping and Antique shipping services. If you’re in Los Angeles, Art Pack is a great choice to start with.


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